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Beginner Walking Route

This features a .92 mile route in the western portion of Mount Albion.
The maximum elevation is 2140 feet with an elevation change of 78 feet. This route is accessable to most people, even those with a handicap.

Intermediate Walking route

This features a .55 mile route in the eastern portion of the cemetery, avoiding the tower. The maximum elevation is 2277 feet with an elevation change of 251 feet. This may pose a challenge to some, those who are handicapped may wish to avoid this as it has many hills.

Experienced Walking Tour

This features a .65 mile route in the eastern portion of the cemetery and highlights a hike up to the tower. The maximum elevation is 2282 feet with an elevation change of 165 feet. This route may be overly strenuous for those with a handicap as it involves the largest hill in the cemetery.

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